Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Crimson fists!!

Here is a picture of the fully assembled army

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Space Marines Army bought

So acquired all of my space marines for my army here is the breakdown...

-Pedro Kantor
-Librarian in Terminator armor (attached to sternguard in droppod1)
- Command squad
-(2) 10 man sternguard squad (5 combi melta, 4 bolters, 1 sargeant)
-(3) 10 tactical marine squads (missile launcher, flamer, sargeant w/ plasma pistol)
-(3) Razorbacks with Lascannon/twin linked plasma turrets
- Iron clad dreadnought
- Predators (Autocannon, heavy bolters sponsons)
-(3) 5 man assault terminator squads
-(2) Land Raider Crusaders

Test painting is done for the tactical squads and about to be implimented on remaining units.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pink Ork FTW!

Pictures from Coastal Assault and the victory of the pink warboss. More to come!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Eldar Pathfinder competition model

Here is my Eldar Pathfinder that I'm entering into 28mmm painting contest at Coastal Assault. For the white areas I used AStronomicon Grey and Skull white with Badab Black wash and a rehighlight of the two above colors.

Forgeworld Avatar

The Forgeworld Avatar of Khaine that I am entering to the 60+mm painting contest is completed so I figured I will post up some pictures.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Eldar book

New eldar book coming out from Gavin Thorpe (wrote "path of the warrior", the dark angels omnibus, and something from the horus heresy series.)

It's called "Path of the Seer" follows a farseer met in the first book in the series "Path of the Warrior". Guess I'm going to have to get to reading that one.

New Aspect design from forgeworld!

Take a look at these sumumabitches my excitedness ensues!
they are called the shadow spectres and carry mini fire prism's and use jetpacks.
They can link their shots to increase shot strength and decrease AP value. Lets hope they have strength 10 shots and 2+ invulnerable saves muhahahaha.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Close-ups of a couple of the models from the earlier post.

I may be getting ahold of a fully assembled unpainted Crimson Fists army

very soon, as well as a fully assembled basecoated Ilyanden warhost army.

Kantor and the Crimson Fists

Here you go kiddies. Better pictures of all the individual models will be up soon.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Back into the Gaping Maw

Well this will be my first actual post on this Blog that is relevant to anything. I am getting back into the hobby thanks to a couple of weekends playing at the CLGS here in Pensacola with some of my co-workers. Eldar army has been fun to play but, I think I need a little bit of a change so I am building a vanilla marines army led by Pedro Kantor with a shit ton of sternguard and assault terminators.

well here are some pictures of my badass eldar....

Friday, April 23, 2010

Eldar 1000 Pt List vs Sisters of Battle

Here's my list for tommarow against Walter I will post back with results.

Eldrad - 210 Points
Avatar - 155 Points

10 Dire Avengers -120 points
-Exarch w/ twin shurikan catipults & Bladestorm - 32 points
10 Dire Avengers -120 points
-Exarch w/ twin shurikan catipults & Bladestorm - 32 points
5 Pathfinder - 120 points

5 Dark Reapers - 175 points
-Exarch w/ Tempest Launcher - 32 points

It Equals right @ 996 Points Not many troops hopefully this won't be an objective game because then it will be down to who can get where quicker. With no vehicles on either persons list it could get hairy.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

Blood Angels codex

This is the summary of the new blood angels codex

From Eldar

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

color scheme for new Farseer and Banshees

From Eldar

Scheme for the Farseer, and Banshee's. Blog will be updated again soon. JUST BOUGHT A FORGEWORLD AVATAR!! WOOT He is gonna put in some work on these space marines that keep messing with my eldar.

Mother Bitches

Started my blog pictures will be up shortly. I have to rival sam's blog with my sparkly elf armors!


About me

My photo
Been playing 40k since the late 90's when early dark eldar were first arriving on the scene. Getting back into the hobby so far built a decent foot eldar army and on the way to having a nice little vanilla marines variant.