Monday, March 29, 2010

Blood Angels codex

This is the summary of the new blood angels codex

From Eldar

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

color scheme for new Farseer and Banshees

From Eldar

Scheme for the Farseer, and Banshee's. Blog will be updated again soon. JUST BOUGHT A FORGEWORLD AVATAR!! WOOT He is gonna put in some work on these space marines that keep messing with my eldar.

Mother Bitches

Started my blog pictures will be up shortly. I have to rival sam's blog with my sparkly elf armors!


About me

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Been playing 40k since the late 90's when early dark eldar were first arriving on the scene. Getting back into the hobby so far built a decent foot eldar army and on the way to having a nice little vanilla marines variant.